Photos by Pamela Raith
The Prince and the Pauper
adaptation and lyrics by Chinonyerem Odimba
music and lyrics by Tarek Merchant
The Watermill Theatre, 2019 - 2020
Designed by Katie Lias
Lighting designed by Tom White
Sound designed by Philip Matejtschuk
Choreography by Claira Vaughan
★★★★ WhatsonStage “This production is history brought to life with equal parts insightfulness, theatricality and fun – a truly original, seasonal treat”
★★★★ Pocket Size Theatre “This is lovely Christmas outing for the family with a powerful message for the kids but delivered in a charming production which takes liberties with the original story to make it appeal to the young audiences.”
British Theatre Guide “Imaginatively directed by Abigail Pickard Price, this magical show should definitely be on your Christmas wish list.”
Daily Info “a slick, skilful production that plays to the intimate venue's strengths”
Muddy Stilettos “a super-creative family show”
Basingstoke Gazette “a magical way to welcome the festive season”
Newbury Today “Imaginatively directed by Abigail Pickard Price, this magical show should definitely be on your Christmas wishlist”